Saturday, February 9, 2013

Running, Running, Running

Chad and I have been married for 7 months and 3 days!  Wow, time flies and it has been so great! I feel so blessed we have found each other, and we are having so much fun!  Recently we've been running together and trying to get ready for a 5K that is coming up. We're gonna make t-shirts too! It's fun being quarky together.

Classes have been awesome this year.  I have some really amazing and talented students, and I can just see the potential brimming every day in class.  Some are so studious and can't stand to get anything wrong while others just seem to absorb it and becomes part of them.  I really have enjoyed trying new things and getting them excited!  It's really fun when the whole class belts out different songs, mostly cause I used to be the same way and like to join in!

Chad got into Jefferson College in Roanoke this last month!! We are so excited, and he starts in August! Can't wait to see everything he learns about Physical Therapy.  He's really excited to get started.  He's been working at the Funeral home and delivering flowers as well.  He's such a hardworker and always willing to help.  Anything thing that needs done, he's all over it.  Most the time he sees the need and just does what needs doing, so amazing to have someone like that in your life.

My favorite time together is when we cook.  We don't always know for the week what we are making, but we always make it together and it's fun cutting up stuff, making a mess, and then doing the dishes.  Well, neither of us like doing the dishes, but what are you gonna do?   We made cinnamon rolls together last night. and it took forever with the rising and rolling out and what not.  But they're sooooo good! It makes me think of cooking in high school and my brothers were to eat everything I experimented with.  If I could find the camera I would take pictures.

Well that is all for now, but can't wait to post pictures of me and Chad running in the race!


  1. Glad to see you back in the blogging sphere. I'm glad you're happily married. I had your wedding announcement on my fridge until we moved a few months ago. I'm happy to see that you're still enjoying teaching. :)

  2. I too can't wait for you to post pictures of you and Chad running! Yay for your blog!!
